learn about 7 pregnancy superfoods to help your health and your baby's, too!When you’re pregnant, you’re probably finding yourself hungry more than usual! Fill up on these 7 nutrient-packed superfoods to boost your baby’s development and to quench your hunger:
1. Lean Beef

A 3-ounce serving of lean beef contains almost half of your daily requirements for zinc, 8% of iron, and 30% of your protein. Try to buy a cut of beef that has less than 10 grams of fat per serving.  Try cooking sirloin or flank steak in a slow cooker for an easy “set it and forget it” dinner.
2. Quinoa

Quinoa is a great source of protein for vegetarians, or anyone trying to cut out meat. But unlike beef or chicken, it’s high in fiber, and it can be made quicker than whole grains. Pregnant women need 71 grams of protein a day, so adding quinoa to your diet really helps! Try making a bowl of quinoa and adding in chopped veggies and some black beans.
3. Oatmeal

One cup of oatmeal gives you more than 30 percent of your daily dose of magnesium, which is needed to build your baby’s teeth and bones. It’s suggested that during pregnancy, women get 350 to 360 milligrams of magnesium, which keeps your blood-sugar level and blood pressure in check, and reduces your risk of preterm labor.
4. Red Bell Peppers

One of these has almost three times more vitamin C than an orange! Vitamin C keeps your immune system healthy, which is especially handy in pregnancy. The antioxidants in Vitamin C can also help your baby’s brain development and assist your body in absorbing iron.
5. Salmon

Salmon has a great omega-3 fatty acid called DHA. Getting the 300 milligrams of DHA per day can help prevent postpartum depression, preterm labor, and preeclampsia. It also helps in the development of your baby’s brain, eyes, and central nervous system!
6. Sweet Potatoes

Whether you roast, bake, or mash sweet potatoes, they contain more than 400 percent of your day’s vitamin A! Vitamin A is really important during the first trimester when your baby’s body is forming. And, sweet potatoes with the skin left on are packed with fiber and energizing complex carbs so you can get filled up with few calories.
7. Yogurt

One cup of yogurt has 30% of your daily calcium requirement. This is so important because if your baby doesn’t get enough calcium from the foods you eat, she’ll take it from your bones instead. Plus, yogurt often has added probiotics, that can reduce your baby’s risk for getting allergies later in life.