Post-Delivery CareCongratulations! Your pregnancy is finally over, and you have a precious new baby in your arms!

You’ll probably have questions about self-care and care for your baby. This info will help you to care for yourself and your baby during the weeks before your first visit to your doctor.


Limit visitors to close family members or those who bring food or help with your housework or other children. Many new moms have found it beneficial to set up a “meal train” website to coordinate meals, and so that people know what kind of meals to bring and when.

Your visitors shouldn’t have any signs of infection or illness. Make sure that everyone washes his or her hands with soap and water before holding (or touching) your baby. You might hang up a sign on your front door that sweetly says something like “Welcome! We’re so happy to see you! Since our baby is new to the world and can’t yet fight germs, please wash your hands before laying them on this new little one.”


For the first six weeks, avoid close contact with crowds. Newborn babies and their mamas don’t need any unnecessary exposure to illnesses. But don’t think that you must stay at home for these six weeks! You probably will want to get out of the house for a little outing with your little one. A short walk around the block with your babe or dining out might be really therapeutic for you and prevent cabin fever.


All new moms need rest after the physical demands of labor, birth, and now caring for a newborn. Plus, there are the emotional demands that a new baby puts on you. You’ll probably be exhausted, so rest a lot. When the baby naps, lay down for a nap as well.

Try and limit how much time you spend sitting. Lying down or standing up helps you heal and will probably be more comfortable. If the weather lets you, take short walks outside each day.

You can do light housework if you feel up to it. When your family and friends ask if they can help, take them up on the offer! They can make meals, vacuum, do laundry, and heavy cleaning.

If you have stairs in your house, climb them carefully and slowly. Don’t lift anything over 10 pounds for two weeks after vaginal delivery or six weeks after C-section. Ask your doctor how long to wait before driving a car.