My Girlfriend Wants to
Take the Abortion Pill

Your girlfriend just told you she is pregnant, and she wants to take the abortion pill, but how does the abortion pill work? Your next thought might be, “Well, if that’s what she wants…”, but this is also your child, and perhaps this decision deserves more thought.

An unexpected pregnancy can bring about a lot of different emotions for not just the woman but for the man as well. These feelings can range from “it’s her problem” to “don’t I have a say?” It is important to take the time to talk about the options and do the research necessary to make a decision you both agree on. You want to support her, but you want to let your feelings be known as well.

The abortion pill may seem like an easy answer to a complicated problem, but in reality, it is complicated as well. It is important to understand how the abortion pill works, the risks and consequences, and what to do if she changes her mind once the process starts. It is also important to consider all of your options.

How Does the Abortion Pill Work?

The abortion pill is not actually one pill but two pills that cause a medical abortion. The FDA approved this procedure in 2000, and now over 54% of abortions in the U.S. are medical abortions. The first pill is Mifepristone or RU486, which is taken by mouth. The next pill, misoprostol, is then taken 24 to 48 hours later. Women can take these pills up to 10 weeks pregnant into their pregnancy. This process is between 95% and 97% effective.

The first pill taken, misoprostol, blocks progesterone, which is a hormone that protects the lining of the uterus and is how the baby receives nourishment. When this lining breaks down, the baby no longer receives nourishment and dies. Next, misoprostol, the second pill, is then taken, creating contractions and bleeding meant to expel the fetus.

The first pill is usually taken at the doctor’s office, and the second pill is taken at home 24 to 48 hours later. After the second pill is taken, the pregnancy is usually terminated within 4 to 5 hours. There is no turning back at this point. Seven to fourteen days later, the woman must visit her doctor to confirm that the abortion is complete. The doctor may give additional medication or perform a surgical abortion if the fetus and lining have not fully been expelled.

The laws regarding this process vary from state to state and change from time to time.

What if She Changes Her Mind After Taking the First Pill?

Some believe that the first couple of months of a pregnancy, is just a cluster of cells and not a baby. The reality is by the seventh week of pregnancy, the baby has a heartbeat, fingers and toes, and brain waves. By week 10, the baby even has her own unique fingerprints.
woman crying about abortion pill
The day after taking her first pill, Lisa was looking online at fetal development when she learned these facts for the first time. She called her boyfriend crying and was devastated she had made this choice. She had not asked “how does the abortion pill work?” Luckily, he found an abortion pill reversal hotline 877-558-0333, and after being connected with a doctor in the area, he was able to get his girlfriend to the doctor who administered a reversal medication. While this is only 64 to 68% effective if given in the first 72 hours, they were able to save their baby.


The side effects of the abortion pill can be both physical and emotional. Physical effects of the pill can range from heavy bleeding and headaches to infection and death.

The short-term and long-term emotional effects can be severe as well. There can be sadness and regret that lead to other issues such as depression and substance abuse. The emotional effects of an abortion can be felt by both the mother and father.

Neither the physical or emotional side-effects should be taken lightly. They can last a lifetime.


When facing an unexpected pregnancy, there are three options. You can parent, abort, or place your baby for adoption. All of these options have pros and cons, and they should be thoroughly considered before making a decision.

Adoption is often the least thought of option. Modern, open adoption is very different from what adoptions were like thirty years ago. Today, you can still have contact with your child and get updates in the form of pictures, social media shared sites and even visits. If you are not ready to parent and abortion is not your choice, consider open adoption. Read some birth father stories to understand how other men in your position have coped with an unexpected pregnancy.

Lastly, talk with and have compassion for the birth mother. Remember, she is carrying this baby and has a lot of emotions due to the physical and emotional changes she is experiencing.

Call or text Lifetime Adoption for more information.