The Many Benefits of Open Adoption

Many women who have thought of placing their child for adoption have found they are put off by the many inaccurate images that the word “adoption” brings to mind.
There was a time when a birth mother (the biological mother) would hear the word “adoption” and envision her child being snatched away soon after birth to disappear into oblivion; resulting in the fact that she would never know for sure that she had done the right thing. Fortunately, today the face of adoption has been dramatically altered with the practice of Open Adoption.
Open Adoption is beneficial to all who are involved, but most of all it is beneficial to the child.
A child placed through open adoption grows up with a greater sense of identity; knowing not only the love of their birth parents, but also the love of their adopted family. They will grow into a more stable and secure adult knowing the truth of their adoption and why their Birth Mother felt it was the best choice. No matter what the truth is, it is always easier for a child to know than to face never knowing why they were placed with a different family.
Open Adoption Provides Access to Genetic Information
Another extremely important aspect of open adoption is access to vital genetic information. For example, there are times when having immediate access to health information can be a matter of life or death. Without any health history, a doctor could waste a great deal of time running endless tests on an ill child. Instead, a little background on the parents would give medical personnel some direction. An accurate health history may also be of help in preventative medicine by allowing your child’s doctor to perform routine tests that he deems relevant in light of the child’s genetic background. Truly, the biggest benefit is that you get to make choices, and have control over your own adoption plan.
Birth Mothers Have Choices With Open Adoption
The significant advantage to open adoption is that the Birth Mother has some say in who adopts her baby. If a child knows that their adopted family was their Birth Mother’s choice for them, it may help them to accept that choice more readily during those years when they are questioning the adoption.
It could be extremely difficult in this day and age to keep the fact that a child is adopted from them their whole life. Also, how would your child feel about it if they were to ever find out? It is generally agreed that being open with a child about their adoption is the best course. Furthermore, how much easier is this to do if the adoptive parents have some information about the Birth Mother?
Choosing Open or Closed Adoption is strictly the personal choice of the Birth Mother. Not only can she choose who will raise her child, but open adoption let’ sher stay in contact. Therefore Open Adoption becomes a much more appealing choice.
With the choices in Open Adoption today, choosing adoption can be the most loving decision you ever make for your child. Did you know that…
- You can see and hold your baby?
- Your child will always know that you love them?
- You can choose your baby’s parents from many qualified, loving families?
- You can choose to receive letters, photos, and even share visits with your child?
- You can specify how you want your delivery and hospital stay to go?
- Your parents or the baby’s father & his family can participate in the adoption too?
- You can receive quality counseling, or even speak with a woman who has chosen adoption for her baby?
Call or text Today to Learn More About the Choices You Have with Adoption 1-800-923-6784