Pregnancy Blog



Can You Take Wellbutrin While Pregnant?

Can You Take Wellbutrin While Pregnant?

Antidepressants, like Wellbutrin, can significantly improve our lives, but there are times in life when a little change can be a bad thing, including when you’re expecting. If you take Wellbutrin, you might be worried about the potential risks of using antidepressants...

How Much Caffeine Is Safe During Pregnancy?

How Much Caffeine Is Safe During Pregnancy?

Caffeine is found in many things, such as coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, as well as some energy drinks and medicines. It's a stimulant, which means it can keep you awake.   Many women wonder, "How does caffeine affect my baby and me during pregnancy?" Drinking...

Can You Take Benadryl While Pregnant?

Can You Take Benadryl While Pregnant?

Blooming flowers and lush green grass create a picturesque spring scene for many, but not for the millions of Americans grappling with seasonal allergies. Instead, the arrival of spring signals the need to start taking allergy medications to manage their symptoms. A...

How to Find the Perfect Pregnancy Shoes

How to Find the Perfect Pregnancy Shoes

Pregnancy brings with it all kinds of changes to your body: glowing skin, a swelling belly, and many more emotions. Some of the ways your body evolves during pregnancy are more under the radar than others, so finding the best pregnancy shoes probably wasn't at the top...

What Are Adoptive Parents Like?

What Are Adoptive Parents Like?

"I'm a junior in college and just found out I'm pregnant. Having a baby right now wasn't my plan, so I'm seriously freaking out! I don't believe in abortion, and I'm not ready to be a mom, so I'm considering adoption.   What are adoptive parents like? How do I...

How to Do a Pregnancy Test at Home

How to Do a Pregnancy Test at Home

If you think you might be pregnant, it's always a good idea to take a test and make sure. When done correctly, most home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate, which is about the same accuracy rate as pregnancy tests done in your doctor's office. You can find an...

Should I Have an Abortion?

Should I Have an Abortion?

Women have abortions for many different reasons. Getting information and support will help you make the decision that's best for your own health and well-being. At the end of the day, only you know what's best for you.   Deciding whether or not to end your...

Counseling and Therapy During Pregnancy

Counseling and Therapy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a major life transition that isn't always met with excitement. For many, pregnancy can also come with a mix of uncertainties and challenges.   A cross-national study about pregnant and postpartum women indicates that their mental health problems were...

7 Ways to Make Your Labor Easier

7 Ways to Make Your Labor Easier

Preparing for labor doesn't mean just packing your bag for the hospital; you'll also want to prepare for labor and childbirth.   There are plenty of ways to ensure you have an easier labor and delivery, and almost all of them are done before your contractions...

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) During Pregnancy

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) During Pregnancy

Between leg cramps, heartburn, that urgent need to pee every two hours, and persistent pregnancy insomnia, you're probably already having a tough time getting quality sleep. But now, in your third trimester of pregnancy, another pregnancy symptom may be keeping you up...

5 Pregnancy-Safe Teas You’ll Love

5 Pregnancy-Safe Teas You’ll Love

When pregnant, knowing what’s safe to eat and drink can be challenging. If you’re craving a cup of tea, know there are safe teas to drink while pregnant. Plus, drinking tea is smarter during pregnancy than caffeinated drinks. Most healthcare professionals advise that...

Food Additives to Avoid During Pregnancy

Food Additives to Avoid During Pregnancy

We get it: the last thing you want to read while you're pregnant is another "what not to eat" post. While you probably already know that you should avoid certain fish, undercooked meats, soft cheese, alcohol, and high levels of caffeine, you may not know food...