Pregnancy Blog



7 Ways to Make Your Labor Easier

7 Ways to Make Your Labor Easier

Preparing for labor doesn't mean just packing your bag for the hospital; you'll also want to prepare for labor and childbirth.   There are plenty of ways to ensure you have an easier labor and delivery, and almost all of them are done before your contractions...

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) During Pregnancy

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) During Pregnancy

Between leg cramps, heartburn, that urgent need to pee every two hours, and persistent pregnancy insomnia, you're probably already having a tough time getting quality sleep. But now, in your third trimester of pregnancy, another pregnancy symptom may be keeping you up...

5 Pregnancy-Safe Teas You’ll Love

5 Pregnancy-Safe Teas You’ll Love

When pregnant, knowing what’s safe to eat and drink can be challenging. If you’re craving a cup of tea, know there are safe teas to drink while pregnant. Plus, drinking tea is smarter during pregnancy than caffeinated drinks. Most healthcare professionals advise that...

Food Additives to Avoid During Pregnancy

Food Additives to Avoid During Pregnancy

We get it: the last thing you want to read while you're pregnant is another "what not to eat" post. While you probably already know that you should avoid certain fish, undercooked meats, soft cheese, alcohol, and high levels of caffeine, you may not know food...

Managing Your Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Managing Your Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Question: "I'm 21 weeks pregnant, and I feel like I'm starting to look huge! Am I gaining too much weight!? How much weight should I gain during pregnancy?" Answer: You're not alone if you're freaking out about your pregnancy weight gain! Many women have mixed...

What Kind of Parent Would I Be?

What Kind of Parent Would I Be?

"I'm due in a couple of months, and I've trying to decide between adoption and keeping my baby. What is the best way to figure out what kind of parent I would be? I’m confused and really want to make the right decision."   It's normal to wonder what kind of...

7 Things to Buy Before the Baby Arrives

7 Things to Buy Before the Baby Arrives

According to a survey on Stacker, only 12% of all parents feel prepared when they first have children. While most new parents know to get bottles, a crib, and clothes ready, determining what else is essential and what can wait is a little murkier. For any new parents...

Smoking in Early Pregnancy Without Knowing

Smoking in Early Pregnancy Without Knowing

What happens if you didn't know you were pregnant and smoked the first month? Would it harm or affect the growth and development of the unborn fetus? In other words, will smoking in early pregnancy without knowing you're pregnant harm your growing baby?   It's...

Am I Ready to Be a Mom?

Am I Ready to Be a Mom?

"Am I ready to be a mom?" is a question that has been swirling around countless women's minds for centuries. Even if they've been planning for motherhood for years, many women wonder if they are ready to be a mom when the reality of it all sinks in.   Becoming a...

I Drank Before I Found Out I Was Pregnant!

I Drank Before I Found Out I Was Pregnant!

"I went out partying with my friends last weekend and drank a lot. Then today, my pregnancy test turned up positive! Since I drank before I found out I was pregnant, I'm freaked out! Could I have hurt my baby?"   Having a couple of drinks before you knew you were...

Can My Parents Make Me Get an Abortion?

Can My Parents Make Me Get an Abortion?

"I'm 15 and have been dating my boyfriend for a few months. We found out last week that I'm pregnant! He plans to start working full-time at his job so that we can afford to raise our baby. But I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom yet. When I told my parents I'm...

How to Deal With Pregnancy Heartburn

How to Deal With Pregnancy Heartburn

One of the most common pregnancy side effects (besides morning sickness!) is heartburn. You may have never before experienced the discomfort of heartburn — but now that you're pregnant, it's a common, uncomfortable occurrence. Why is that? Many women who don't...