Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) During Pregnancy

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) During Pregnancy

Between leg cramps, heartburn, that urgent need to pee every two hours, and persistent pregnancy insomnia, you’re probably already having a tough time getting quality sleep. But now, in your third trimester of pregnancy, another pregnancy symptom may be keeping...
5 Pregnancy-Safe Teas You’ll Love

5 Pregnancy-Safe Teas You’ll Love

When pregnant, knowing what’s safe to eat and drink can be challenging. If you’re craving a cup of tea, know there are safe teas to drink while pregnant. Plus, drinking tea is smarter during pregnancy than caffeinated drinks. Most healthcare professionals advise that...
Food Additives to Avoid During Pregnancy

Food Additives to Avoid During Pregnancy

We get it: the last thing you want to read while you’re pregnant is another “what not to eat” post. While you probably already know that you should avoid certain fish, undercooked meats, soft cheese, alcohol, and high levels of caffeine, you may not...