Figuring Out your Due Date

The majority of women don’t know the exact date of conception, but usually know the beginning of their last period. So, this is the point from which a pregnancy is dated. A due date helps your doctor verify when to do certain tests or procedures. The due date also...

Communicating With Your Doctor

It’s pretty important that you communicate well with your doctor during pregnancy. Since pregnancy and delivery are individual experiences, you need to be able to ask your doctor any questions you might have. Some of these questions may be: What’s your opinion about...

Working During Pregnancy

Many women work outside the home nowadays, and lots continue to work during their pregnancy. So, it’s pretty common for women to ask doctors about work and pregnancy. You might be wondering, “Is it safe for me to work while pregnant?” or “Am I in danger of harming my...

First Prenatal Doctor’s Visit

Question: I just took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive. When should I call my doctor to schedule the first visit? Answer: Don’t put off setting up your first appointment, because getting good prenatal care is one of the best ways to have a healthy baby....