Pre-Natal Yoga

Question: I keep hearing about the benefits of taking a pre-natal yoga class during pregnancy, and I really want to take a class. But, I can’t find any prenatal yoga classes in my area. Is it OK if I just take a regular yoga class? Answer: Go ahead and call the yoga...

Talking to Your Parents About Your Pregnancy

Sometimes talking with your family can be the hardest part of dealing with a pregnancy, especially if you are young and considering an adoption plan for your baby. There can be a lot going on emotionally and physically with you during the pregnancy, but it can make a...

Feeling Depressed During Your Pregnancy?

Did you know that it’s estimated that two out of three pregnant women in America have experienced some symptoms of depression? So, you’re not alone! Resources are available, here’s how you can get the help and support you need: Try to surround yourself with positive...

Smoothies—A Meal You Can Drink

Smoothies can be very restoring and strengthening. Make your own at home by mixing your favorite fruits, along with milk and other ingredients. They’re also a healthy fast-food choice, on hand at malls and many other public areas. Try to use the freshest juices and...