This list is a follow-up to “10 Fun Ideas of What to Do During Your Last Trimester!”
Today, we’re sharing 10 more fun activities you can do to pass the time when you’re waiting for labor to start:
1. Treat yourself to a pedicure
2. Squeeze in as many date nights as possible
3. Do you plan to breastfeed? Learn as much about it as you can so if something goes wrong, you’ll be prepared
4. Get maternity photos taken
5. Go shopping with your mom, because once you deliver, she may be your main babysitter! (Plus you can help induce labor by walking around all day)
6. Get a massage
7. Stock up on essentials like toilet paper and laundry detergent
8. Prep meals and stuff them in the freezer, so you’ll have easy meals after you deliver
9. Sleep!
9. Drink tea that’s specifically designed for the last trimester. This tea preps your body for labor and helps with leg cramps: Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Third Trimester Tea
10. Spend lots of time with your friends who don’t have kids yet