Cholestasis?! What It Is and How to Deal

Pregnancy comes with a lot of aches, pains, and minor complications. Typically they’re just annoyances that go away, and rarely become something serious. Most of you have probably heard of preeclampsia. But you probably haven’t heard of Cholestasis. It’s a liver...

What to Eat When You’ve Got Morning Sickness

If you’re suffering from morning sickness, you might be wondering what kind of food you can possibly stomach. Here are some nourishing and comforting foods to try: Guacamole Here’s a dip that’s packed with nutrients and is tasty yet mild enough for...

7 Pregnancy Symptoms You Shouldn’t Stress Over

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks long and has an effect on almost every part of your body. But, most pregnancies are healthy and turn out just fine. There are some pregnancy symptoms that require medical attention, but there are tons of other symptoms that you...

Working While Pregnant? 8 Tips That’ll Help!

Working when you’re pregnant isn’t always easy. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are 8 common pregnancy challenges along with tips on to help them at work: You’re exhausted, but scared to drink coffee Most OB-GYNs will tell you it’s...