women following fitness guidelines during pregnancyPregnancy puts your body through a lot. That’s why taking care of your body during this experience is critical. Both your health and your little one’s health will benefit if you take certain key steps.
Exercising is one of them. That said, you may understandably wonder just what types of exercise you can do when pregnant.
This guide will help. If you’re trying to stay in shape, and you’re expecting a baby to arrive soon, grab a pair of supportive sneakers and keep these points in mind.

Why You Should Exercise When Pregnant

You’re more likely to commit to a fitness regimen during pregnancy if you thoroughly understand the benefits of doing so. Luckily, there are many.

First of all, exercising can actually reduce much of the discomfort typically associated with pregnancy. It strengthens and tones your muscles, which helps reduce backaches. Working out during pregnancy can also reduce constipation. Additionally, exercising keeps your joints lubricated, guarding against wear-and-tear.

It’s worth noting that exercising will improve your appearance as well. This is because working out increases blood flow. Thus, it ensures your skin looks healthy and glowing.

The benefits of exercising while pregnant don’t go away after you’ve given birth, either. Working out now will help you restore your body to its pre-pregnant state much more quickly than you otherwise could.

How to Safely Exercise While Pregnant

A group of pregnant women meditating during a yoga classIt’s important to understand that a safe fitness regimen for one pregnant woman may not be safe for another. If you’re not confident you know your limits, you should always coordinate with your physician and any fitness professionals you may work with to confirm your plans are right for your condition.
Someone who regularly exercised before they became pregnant can typically continue exercising with greater intensity than someone who is just starting to work out now.

That said, even if you’re starting now, you can still embrace fitness. You just need to start slow. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, unless you’re struggling with other physical ailments, you should devote at least 150 minutes a week to some form of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

As you get more comfortable, you can explore specific types of workouts to find one that appeals to you. Options to consider include swimming, yoga, walking, or biking. You ideally want to find an exercise that combines cardio, strength-building, and improving flexibility. All these options meet those criteria to varying degrees.

Of course, it’s important to get in touch with your doctor if you notice such symptoms as high blood pressure, vaginal bleeding, early contractions, or your water breaking early. Taking care of your health during pregnancy is crucial. Fortunately, in most cases, exercising will only help.