An unrecognizable woman in an orange shirt holding up a positive pregnancy testFor some, the thought of a positive pregnancy test is a long-awaited dream come true, while for others, it may come as a complete surprise. A positive pregnancy test can bring up an abundance of emotions and have you wondering what steps to take next. If you’re asking yourself, “What should I do after getting a positive pregnancy test?” know that you’re not alone.
Having a missed period is one of the worst scares you can get when you’re not ready to be a mom. You might be eyeing your calendar, counting the days, and hoping your fear of being pregnant is just irrational and your period will arrive.
Before you freak out, make sure that you are pregnant. There are many reasons for a late period, including stress, weather, or weight loss. Every missed period doesn’t mean you’re pregnant. But if you’ve been expecting your period for a few weeks now and it hasn’t arrived, then it’s time to take action.
Buy two or three pregnancy tests so you can test a few times. It’s more likely to be accurate if you test in the morning. Here are some more tips on accurately doing a pregnancy test at home.

Steps to Take After a Positive Pregnancy Test

If your pregnancy test is positive, the next step is to visit your OB-GYN to confirm your pregnancy. Even if you may not be able to see the doctor right away, scheduling an appointment is one of the first steps after finding out you’re pregnant. Depending on the practice, wait times can be long.
Your doctor may perform an in-office blood pregnancy test, which measures the exact amount of hCG in the blood. Or, they may have you schedule an ultrasound to verify your pregnancy. Then, if they confirm you’re pregnant, your first prenatal visit will typically happen around your eighth week of pregnancy.
If your pregnancy is progressing smoothly, you can plan on visiting your doctor monthly for the first two trimesters. Then, after you’re 32 weeks along, you’ll visit your doctor twice a month. Prepare to visit the doctor once a week after you hit 36 weeks.
If you have a medical condition, have had past miscarriages, or are feeling unusual pain or other strange symptoms, your doctor might want to see you earlier. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor with any questions or concerns.
Discovering you’re pregnant is the first sign that your life will change dramatically. Pregnancy hormones can cause a whirlwind of emotions. Your body is flooded with progesterone, making you feel more vulnerable. You might find yourself crying and worrying about the future, and that’s completely normal. These moods usually pass with rest. Avoid taking on unnecessary tasks you can skip.

What Will the Future Look Like?

Although your test result may be positive, you may not necessarily feel positive about how to handle this news.
It might be helpful to schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider to talk about your emotions regarding the pregnancy and to explore your next steps. You have choices, such as adoption, abortion, and continuing the pregnancy.
Seeking guidance from a professional can provide you with counseling and access to resources that can assist you in making a well-informed decision that is best for you.
Don’t just make a quick decision; think about all possible outcomes. Hash it out with your partner. This one-time decision will affect both of your lives. With any unplanned pregnancy, you have three choices.
Parenting: Becoming a single mother is a major life choice with its own set of challenges and blessings. It requires thoughtful consideration, preparation, and introspection.
Being a single mom is a life-long commitment. Although parenting a child while you are young is difficult for many reasons, you should look into all your options, including the benefits and realistic challenges of parenting.  Talking with counselors and other women who have chosen parenting will help you better understand this choice.
Abortion: Getting an abortion is a tough decision to have to make, and there are several things you should think about before embarking on this route. Keep in mind your physical and mental health.
If you’re dating but not ready to become a mom yet, you need to make sure to talk abortion over with your boyfriend. Abortion should be a decision you both make. If you do choose it, make sure you know all you can about abortion before going through with it.
Adoption: The choices with open adoption today will allow your baby to grow up knowing they are loved by both their adoptive parents and by you. It allows you to make the decisions you want to about your pregnancy, delivery, and your baby’s future. You may even choose the adoptive family you want and visit your child if you wish!
As with all your options, fully exploring the adoption process will give a clear picture and help you make the right choice. Counselors and other birth mothers are available to help you get a better understanding of adoption. Visiting an adoption agency’s website is a great place to start as well.

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on February 8, 2016, and has since been updated.