Your Pregnancy Timeline: Fetal Development Week-by-Week

Your Pregnancy Timeline: Fetal Development Week-by-Week

You have just found out you are pregnant, and now you wonder what is going on with this baby inside. How fast is she growing? What does she look like? What does she feel? The answers to all of these questions may be surprising. So let’s take a look at the...

What’s Happening Around Week 10 of Your Pregnancy

At 10 weeks along, your baby has now completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the “fetal period”, a time when the tissues and organs in his body quickly grow and mature. You can see in this ultrasound photo taken at 10 weeks...

Your Baby at 14 Weeks Along

Did you know that at 14 weeks along your baby is already 2 inches long?  That’s about as long as your pinky finger!  He weighs about one ounce and his kidneys are already working, purifying his system. His heart has been beating for over two months but now he may be...

When Should I Start to Feel My Baby Moving?

Question: “I’m in my fourth month of pregnancy and I haven’t yet felt my baby moving. Is this normal? Or could it be that I’m just not identifying the kicking?” Answer: Few pregnant women, especially first-timers, feel their first kick in the fourth month. Even though...