Is It Safe to Drive Late Into My Pregnancy?

Question: I’m in my eighth month of pregnancy and I can barely fit behind the wheel! Is it OK that I’m still driving? Answer: You can stay in the driver’s seat as long as you fit there; moving the seat back and tilting the wheel up will help. Driving short distances...

How Harmful is Secondhand Smoke During Pregnancy?

Question: I’ve quit smoking, but my boyfriend still goes through two packs a day, and a few of our friends smoke like chimneys. Will this harm my baby? Answer: Smoking doesn’t just affect the smoker, but it also affects everyone around him (including a developing...

Playing Sports While Pregnant

Question: I enjoy playing tennis and swimming. Do I need to give up these sports now that I’m pregnant? Answer: In most cases, pregnancy doesn’t mean that you have to give up sports. Just please keep in mind that since you’re carrying a new life, it makes sense to...

Using a Seat Belt While Pregnant

Question: I’m wondering, is it safe to fasten my seat belt in the car while I’m pregnant? What about in airplanes? Answer: The best way to avoid a car crash (as well as serious injury to your baby) is to always buckle up. Statistics say that it’s a lot safer for...