Young woman wonders, could I have the early pregnancy symptoms of an unplanned pregnancy?One of the most confusing experiences in the world can be having a late period. As a teenager, my periods were completely inconsistent. Instead of showing up every 28 days like I was always told was the norm, my period would waltz in on day 39. This meant that I was always nervous about what may be happening with my body. Could I be facing early pregnancy symptoms of an unplanned pregnancy?
Many symptoms are associated with the first trimester of pregnancy. If your period is inconsistent or you have had unprotected sex recently, it helps to know what types of symptoms are most commonly associated with the early stages of pregnancy.

Swollen Breasts

Do you notice that your breasts hurt lately? About two weeks after conception, many women begin to feel that their breasts tingle or become sore. They may also appear bigger or feel heavier. You may even notice that your areola, the space around the nipples, have darkened or become larger.


Are you tired all the time, like you can’t get enough sleep? If you are pregnant, this is likely the result of your levels of progesterone, a hormone, increasing. Fatigue is also caused by lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels, which are also commonly associated with pregnancy.

Bleeding and Cramping

You might believe you are about to have your period because you have been feeling cramps, but you might also notice that you are bleeding in only small amounts. This could be implantation bleeding, which happens about two weeks after an egg is fertilized. The egg attaches to the uterine lining, and some blood may emerge. This blood has a lighter color than your period, and it does not last as long. You may also have cramps you would normally associate with your period.

Nausea and Vomiting

Many women are first alerted to a potential pregnancy by nausea and vomiting. This is called morning sickness, but the feelings may emerge during the day or night. The first signs of morning sickness may start about two weeks after the egg is fertilized.
Morning sickness is typically caused by the increasing levels of estrogen, another hormone, in your body. Many women report nausea disappears during the second trimester of pregnancy, which is good.

Food Cravings and Aversions

One of the most common symptoms pregnant women report is food cravings. Some women crave broccoli with cheese, chocolate, and salt. I craved watermelon and Chinese food for breakfast. Others even crave items that are not necessarily foods. Food cravings are typically caused by hormonal changes, and they may be strongest in the first trimester.
Food aversions are also common in pregnant women. For many people, food aversions are linked to the heightened sense of smell that comes with pregnancy. A food aversion may cause some women to feel nauseated by certain foods, even those they used to love, such as garlic.


Unfortunately, headaches commonly occur in women throughout pregnancy. Doctors believe this is the result of increased blood circulation in the body as well as an increase in different hormones. On the bright side, the headaches tend to be mild even if they are frequent.


Changes to the way you use the bathroom are common, with an increase in progesterone. The pregnancy hormone can cause food to pass through your intestines more slowly, which can make you constipated. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated.
On the other end of the spectrum, you may find yourself urinating more often. You may be running to the bathroom much more often, even if your intake of water has not increased. You will see your urination increase in the coming months as the baby grows larger against the uterus as well.

Mood Swings

Are you feeling unusually emotional lately? Are you weepier now than you have been in the past? Changing moods are very common in the first trimester of pregnancy with the changing hormones. Not everybody begins to feel sad. Some women may become angrier or happier.

Fainting and Dizziness

When you are pregnant, your blood vessels may dilate, your blood sugar may decline, and your blood pressure may drop. As a result, you may frequently feel dizzy. Sometimes, this leads to fainting. Be mindful of getting up from the bed.

Changing Body Temperature

Your basal body temperature is your oral temperature when you first wake up in the morning. Your basal body temp typically increases slightly in the days after you ovulate, but it can also increase slightly when you are in the initial months of pregnancy.

A “Feeling”

Some women simply feel pregnant. They feel something happening inside their bodies and can sense a change. This hunch may come from anxiety or fear, but in many cases, it is also representative of how in tune a woman feels with her body. For many women, early pregnancy symptoms and unplanned pregnancy begin with a feeling.


Hormone levels can influence many parts of your body, including the valve between your esophagus and your stomach. If this valve relaxes, it can allow stomach acid to enter your esophagus and lead to discomfort and pain. Pregnant women may be able to control some of these symptoms by eating smaller meals throughout the day and sitting up rather than lying down after eating. Try chewable supplements of black licorice.

Back Aches

If your lower back has been aching a lot lately, pregnancy may be the reason why. While backaches are more common later on in pregnancy, you may have some pain in the first trimester when other symptoms are beginning to emerge.

A Missed Period

Finally, you may notice that you have not had a period in a long time. In fact, this is one of the first signs women notice that alerts them to the other symptoms. Keep in mind that you may still have a period when you are pregnant, but it may be somewhat lighter than you are used to.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Unplanned Pregnancy? Help Is Available

If you are experiencing early pregnancy symptoms and unplanned pregnancy, resources are available to help you. You can always contact Lifetime Adoption, even if you do not know what you want to do. You can still have access to helpful resources and emotional support during this difficult time. They also have an online pregnancy due date calculator you can use, at