There are a variety of signs that might mean you’re pregnant, the most common one being a late or missed period. With that said, some early pregnancy symptoms aren’t actually related to pregnancy at all. For example, if you’re throwing up everything you eat, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant. You could be battling a nasty flu!
If you think you’re pregnant, it’s very important to make an appointment with your doctor to confirm that you’re pregnant and to begin prenatal care. The information here isn’t meant to replace medical advice, but to give you info in simple, easy to understand terms.
Pregnancy symptoms can show up as soon as one week after conception. But some lucky women don’t have any pregnancy symptoms at all!
To help clear things up, we’re giving you a break-down on 8
of the most common signs of early pregnancy:
of the most common signs of early pregnancy:
1. Fatigue
Feeling tired is a common symptom of early pregnancy. Other explanations for fatigue include stress, depression, a cold, or flu.
2. Spotting
You might experience cramping and light bleeding in the very beginning of your pregnancy, typically from six to 12 days after conception.
Other explanations for spotting might be that you’ve recently switched up your birth control, or your period is coming.
3. Missed Period or “Off” Period
If you missed your period, try taking an over-the-counter early pregnancy test. Know that many women get their period, even though they’re pregnant. And some women will continue to get their period several months into their pregnancy.
Light bleeding during your first period after becoming pregnant is common. So, visiting your doctor to confirm you’re truly pregnant is best.
But just because you missed a period doesn’t mean you’re pregnant. If you’re going through extreme stress, hormonal changes, or suddenly lose a lot of weight, you might also miss a period.
4. Vomiting and/or Nausea
Called “morning sickness” by many, nausea and vomiting usually happen between two and eight weeks after conception. Some women are blessed and never deal with morning sickness. Others face morning sickness early on in their pregnancy.
5. Tender Breasts
During early pregnancy, some women notice that their breasts feel sore or heavy. Another change to your breasts that can happen in the early stages of pregnancy is darker areolas (that’s the skin around the nipples).
6. Backaches
It’s normal to encounter back pain during pregnancy as your body adjusts to carrying and growing a baby. But, other explanations of back pain include PMS, stress, or physical strain.
7. Frequent Urination
Symptom #7 usually happens later on in pregnancy, typically around six to eight weeks along. Pregnant women need to pee more often because their expanding uterus is pushing on their bladder. Other explanations for frequent urination are urinary tract infections, or possibly other medical issues.
8. Strange Food Cravings
Many pregnant women crave a specific food, and not necessarily the stereotypical pickles and ice cream. It’s also normal and common to develop a sudden hatred for certain foods or certain smells. Then again, other reasons for craving strange foods include stress, depression, poor diet, or a diet lacking in a particular nutrient.
As you can see, typical pregnancy symptoms can be similar to other medical issues. If you think you’re pregnant, the first step to take is to get an over-the-counter test. Today’s modern pregnancy tests are very accurate, and so if it says you’re pregnant, you probably are. If the pregnancy test is negative and you still haven’t had a period after another five days, take another the test. It’s possible you took the test too early the first time. If you still haven’t gotten your period, it’s time to see your doctor because you may be pregnant or have another medical issue.
If you think you’re pregnant or have just discovered you’re pregnant, it’s crucial that you make an appointment to see your doctor. Prenatal care is essential for both you and your baby’s health.
There are many choices available if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy. If you’re not ready to become a mom but at the same time don’t want to get an abortion, adoption is a third option.
With today’s modern adoptions, you can choose your baby’s adoptive parents and how you want the adoption to go. Open adoption puts you in the driver’s seat of your baby’s adoption: you decide how involved you want to be. Open adoption gives women a way to find a forever family for their baby while keeping in contact through emails, pictures, texts, phone calls, and/or visits. You can visit to get information on how adoption works.