Having Trouble Sleeping?

Sleep Tips for Pregnant Women In the third trimester, sleep on your left side to allow for the best blood flow to the fetus and to your uterus and kidneys. Avoid lying flat on your back for a long period of time. Drink lots of fluids during the day, but cut down...

Playing Sports While Pregnant

Question: I enjoy playing tennis and swimming. Do I need to give up these sports now that I’m pregnant? Answer: In most cases, pregnancy doesn’t mean that you have to give up sports. Just please keep in mind that since you’re carrying a new life, it makes sense to...

Using a Seat Belt While Pregnant

Question: I’m wondering, is it safe to fasten my seat belt in the car while I’m pregnant? What about in airplanes? Answer: The best way to avoid a car crash (as well as serious injury to your baby) is to always buckle up. Statistics say that it’s a lot safer for...

How Can I Handle Unwanted Pregnancy Advice?

Question: Now that it’s clear I’m pregnant, everyone from my aunt to strangers at the grocery store has advice for me. It’s driving me insane! Any tips on how to deal? Answer: It seems that there’s no way for a pregnant woman to get away from the unsolicited advice of...

Is It Common for Vision to Change During Pregnancy?

Question: I’m in my fifth month of pregnancy and my eyesight seems to be getting worse. And my contacts don’t fit quite right anymore. Am I just imagining this? Answer: No, it’s common that the hormones involved in a pregnancy cause many of your body parts (including...